Monday, January 30, 2012

Last night, I tried to cut my right thumb off.  There goes a peaceful Sunday night at home reading Dangerous Journey: The Pilgrim's Progress, to the boys.  I promised to make some semi-home made Chicken and Dumplings.  That of course was interrupted by the chaos of blood spewing everywhere.  On the way to the Urgent Care, Giggles realizes we will not be having Chicken and Dumplings.  He says       "Oh Mom! You need to be more careful.  Why did it have to happen when you were going to make us something so good?" What was I going to say.  I realized right then, my despair over trying to come up with a name for a blog was over.  My little Southern Dumplings helped me out.  Dumplings... my Grandmother and my Mom have called us that for years.  My inspiration for cooking and wanting to feed my little flock well came from the love both my grandmothers poured into their kitchens.  I have just figured out how to make it a little more nutritious.  Ya'll say a prayer that I can learn how to blog and figure my way around the blog sphere.